Lesson 3: 1 vs. 1 defense, jab & shoot, jab & dribble

Tactical Problem: - Winning the ball
Skill development: - Defensive stance and footwork
                           - Active hands and feet
                           - Use eyes to see the ball, watch core of body

Teaching Points:

- on balls of feet, knees bent, bum down, back straight, legs shoulder width apart, hands out
- keep a broad base, feet never cross when going sideways, balance is important

- always stay between your player (check) and the basket
- start at top of the key, offensive player has the ball and defensive player is ready in defensive position
- offensive player can either jab and shoot or jab and dribble and defensive player must watch offensive player's core (body) to follow



Organizational Points: 

- in gorups of two
- 3, 3, 4 pairs at each basket
- one group goes and then when they score the next group begins

- 2 on 2